Each year, Emile hosts a small group of guests aboard a luxury cruise ship sailing to destinations across Europe. These trips are coordinated by the world-class luxury travel agency, A Travel Odyssey. We are thrilled to announce the next amazing musical voyage October 16-23, 2020 aboard Ponant’s Le Lyrial.
Pandolfi fans will be sailing the Iberian Peninsula, from Barcelona to Lisbon. The French line Ponant created the world’s first “green line” and the ships, carrying only 200-240 passengers, are considered more as a large yacht than a cruise ship. Ports of call include many that the larger ships cannot navigate.
Emile joins his fans on shore excursions, at meals and for private concerts and fun-around-around-the-piano in the evenings. He’ll host master classes and educational musical workshops as time allows. It is truly an up-close-and-personal experience and one that leaves Emile and his fans with many new, lasting friendships!